Tips on strengthening your formal meditation practice

Sebene Selassie has a bunch of concrete suggestions here:
See more from this wonderful teacher here:
In addition to these tips, it's helpful to stay connected to the sense of potential or inspiration you have around your meditation practice. What is it that energizes or inspires you to practice? Is it particular mind states of calm or kindness that you've touched into at specific times through practice, or is it more the cumulative effect of the practice on your mind? For example, you might look back at how you were a few years ago and realize that, even though you still get angry, now you have more moments when you're aware that you're angry and can choose to act with wisdom instead of lashing out. Staying in touch with your own personal experience of the benefits of meditation can help to make your formal meditation practice feel like something that enriches your life, rather than just another chore to stress you out.


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