Wednesday Zoom sangha

Here's some basic information about the Wednesday Zoom sangha. We don't meet every week: please sign up for the mailing list to get a notification about upcoming dates, at
  • The link to join the meeting is here:
    • You should be able to join this meeting at any time, not just at our specified gathering time. The reason you might want to do that is to use Zoom to test your speakers/headphone, microphone, and webcam. Please do make sure all of your hardware is working correctly before the call starts.
    • You'll need to use either a smartphone or a computer with a microphone and webcam to join the meeting; you can't call in on a phone. The reason for this limit is that when you use a phone it can be hard to unmute yourself; it's easier to monitor who wants to speak if everyone has their webcam on; and if we use break-out groups they work much better with computers instead of phones.
  • We'll start promptly at 6:30 pm and wrap up by 8 pm. Please plan to be present for the whole time. 
  • Each session will include guided meditation, instruction, q&a, and interaction. Use the interactive times as an opportunity to practice wise speech. Some guidelines for harmlessness in open group interactions are here
  • I invite you to offer dana to support my teaching. You can use paypal or send me an Interac etransfer using my email rachel dot lewis at gmail dot com. There's no suggested minimum. The extent to which I can support myself by my teaching activities will determine how much of my time I can spend on them instead of on a day job.


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